Apply for The Bloom...
The Ten Week Journey...
Your unique Bloom journey unfolds over ten weeks, it is a inner journey like no other. No two weeks will be the same! 22 emotions will be cleared at their core and a whole new way forward will unfold, just as a rose blooms petal by petal, so too will you. Here is a guide to how the ten week journey will look:
Week 1: Connect to your heart and ignite your beautiful intention for your Bloom journey.
Week 2: Step into what you truly Deserve. Security and stability will be a focus this week.
Week 3: Creativity week! We work with cultivating creativity flow into all areas of your life.
Week 4: Allow your Inner Sunshine, your Personal Power to be fully activated, aligned and shine bright.
Week 5: Love, love love. Opening your heart to love, self love, self compassion ~ everything and everyone you love in your life.
Week 6: Over half way through the Bloom journey, a higher heart integration this week whichs connects and integrates all everything to this point before moving onto the final part of the process. Integration of all the changes made both consciously and unconsciously.
Week 7: Align with your truest self and the way you express yourself in the world.
Week 8: The vision you hold for your life becomes clear and more connected.
Week 9: Connecting with your higher purpose and dreams for the future.
Week 10: Time to Manifest and claim all your hearts desires! Stepping into a new version of self, we dive into a reflective and integrative process where your manifestations are fully embodied
Who is The Bloom for?
The woman who is ready to change her life.
The woman who is craving so much more in her life.
The woman who dreams of creating a life she loves.
The woman who is ready to fill her own cup, invest in herself and show up as her true, authentic, best version of self.
The woman who is no longer willing to settle.
The woman who wants to heal for her own self but also to ripple this out to experience more love and compassion into her family, into her community and into the world.
The woman who can no longer stay constrained in the rose bud.
The woman who is ready to SAY YES to more and TRUST the process.
Please take a moment to fill out the form. All answers are strictly confidential so please be as honest and vunerable as you can.
Working with me IS right for you if
You're ready to embrace change and navigate life's transitions with confidence.
You seek empowerment and guidance to unlock your true potential.
You're open to energy healing and coaching as tools for personal growth.
You're committed to creating a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose.
You're a mother or woman facing significant life changes and seeking support.
Working with me IS NOT right for you if
You're not open to exploring alternative healing modalities.
You're not ready to actively participate in your own transformation.
You're seeking a quick-fix solution without a willingness to delve deep.
You're not comfortable with introspection and self-discovery.
You're not willing to commit to the journey of personal growth and self-improvement.
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