Life is a series of events, a collection of days that we live, that we experience. Some are amazing, some are awful. Some are everything in between.
I was driving with my son the other day and we were stopped at the red lights. As we sat and waited, we chatted about all the people in all the cars and we wondered what it was they were doing. What kind of day were they having? Was it a tough one? Was is a great one? What was heavy on their hearts? What was the reason they were smiling? Where were they going? Who were they going to see?
It really got me thinking, we are all living each day the best way we know how. The best way we know how, in the conditions that are sometimes beyond our control.
Some days we laugh, some days we cry.
Each day I am choosing to believe that no matter what it has in store it is a gift. Each day I am reminding myself that we need to do something today that will make our tomorrow better.
Each day I am really embodying that we are all doing the best we can with what we have, with what we know and with what we carry.
So today, I hope you receive all the love. I hope you can grow and expand a little more. I hope you can feel your heart stretch any maybe open a little more to the life you dream of living. I hope you can give yourself a little bit of grace. I hope you can give others a little bit of grace too.
What a wonderful thought it is to know that some of the best days of our lives lie ahead of us.
What a wonderful thought to think that everyone is doing the best they can, every single day.
May you receive all the love today, no matter what day it is you are having and may you share a little bit more love ~ just because...
Love Shari x