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Sliding Doors...

So often in life there are moments we make a choice. Left or right. Yes or No. Leave now or wait a while.

Sometimes they feel really right, sometimes they do not.

When I look back and reflect on moments in my life where I have had those sliding door moments, Im sure you know the ones! It is when we say yes when we mean no or we say no when me mean yes, when we could and should speak up but we don't. When we know something is off but it hurts too much to face it.

These moments show us where we are at at the moment in time. If only, what if, I wish I had... but somehow, someway it all works out, just as its meant to.

I remember a very moment so vividly that I should have spoken up, which lead me to another and then another and then another until finally, the universe stepped in and made the change for me. It was a lot harder and hurt a lot more than if at my nineteen year old self had of stepped up, would have saved a lot of heart break and heart ache. Sure at the time it would have caused some heartache and break but it wouldn't have had the quantifying effect that not standing up did.

And yet, I wouldn't change a thing because it has made the person I am today, the woman who is kind although she has known such deep hurt. A woman who is loyal even though that has not always been given back to her. A woman who holds the highest and best wishes for everyone, even the ones that hurt her a lot.

It has given me the opportunity to grow and expand, evolve and change in ways that my nineteen year old self would be so incredibly proud of and I am glad I was her because look at who I have become.

I love to think that while the roads we take to get here may all look different, once we are on the path, our soul path, the path that is meant for us, we can just be grateful for all the lessons on the other paths and move forward with all the part of who we are for these experiences, walking the best path, living our best life.

Love Shari x

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