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The Audacity to be Authentic

A mentor of mine has recently asked me this question ~ Do I have the audacity to be truly Authentic?

I had to sit with this for some time and really let it land, let the answer rise. What I did see is that I have been up levelling my life constantly, letting go of so many things in my life, cleaning and clearing emotions, belief systems and things that were never in alignment with who I authentically am.

Has it been fun. Nope. Has it been necessary, absolutely! I have felt so sad and so scared to say how I really felt about some things and it was easy for me to see how I had always been the one to make the peace and never rock the boat. It is not nice being that person, its not comfortable saying how you feel at times. But I did and now its not so uncomfortable and I realise that I am moving forward in a new way. I am a better person for honouring how I feel, even if it not well received by others. I am a better person for having the audacity to be authentic and really live by my morals, my values and really expand and grow into the person I am and who I am becoming.

A friend of mine recently reminded me of something so wonderful. She said to me that we come here on our own and we leave on our own. The journey of this lifetime in this body is ours. Yes we share it with people along the way but we start and finish on our own. Surrounded by love, but this life is ours to live. It would be such a shame to not live it authentically. To live it so well that at the end of it we are so glad we gave as much love to those that really matter, that we can share experiences with people who love us, that we can be honest and say how we feel because those that matter won't mind and will love us anyway.

Life is such a gift. Doing the work I do and sharing it with my clients is such a gift. If you can clean and clear your emotions, upgrade your belief systems and get into complete alignment with who you authentically are, what a wonderful place to live your life from.

I know this because I live it this way. I know this because I have changed my life and alchemised my life in so many wonderful ways. Healing is not pretty, it is not comfortable at times, it is done layer by layer and gently and kindly. Like a beautiful rose unfolding petal by petal. When we can find out what it is that is holding us back, when we can really dig deep into the conscious and sub conscious to see what it is that needs to be let go of and shifted, that is where the magic lies.

By letting go of the old we make so much room for the new to land and I think when we do that, we aren't waiting for it to arrive we are able to step out into the world with a sense of confidence in self to create the life we truly dream of living.

I love holding space and helping my clients really step into their authentic self and when they do, I see their smile grow bigger, I see their lives up level and become so great. I see them become magnets to their dreams and desires. I see them really achieving their dreams and potential and my heart smiles a little more, my smile a little bigger also.

This work is magic and by doing it, by choosing you and living from having the audacity to be authentic, life really does unfold and unravel in the most wonderful and beautiful ways.

Love Shari x

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