Level 2 of the Spiral is all thing Sacral Chakra. Creativity.
The Sacral Chakra relates to our emotional body, our tribe, our belonging in the world. It also relates to procrastination, sabotage, creative flow and our pleasure.
On this level, we root clear three big emotions ~ Fear, Grief and Paralysed Will.
Fear ~ A future based projector of not being good enough.
Grief ~ The inability to let go of the past.
Paralysed Will ~ Inability to take action in the face of fear.
Woah. Big ones. On the heavier scale.
Big emotions blocking the flow, blocking the creativity and the joy of life.
It was a big level. I cleared a lot and slept incredibly well that night, waking with a whole heap of things to journal about and a realisation that creativity is so important in my life. In all areas, but I have always been a creative person, I just have chosen safe things over creativity. In my masculine, supporting my family and raising my boys. Working in finance and marketing.
I had a big realisation that to be in my creative, it is within my feminine that this lies. When I make space for myself, when I find some room in my life for the things that I really love and that light me up, when my creativity is flowing freely and wonderfully, that is when I am most content. That is when life feels so good. That is when I am doing something that I love.
I am so grateful for all the parts of my life. I love working in finance, I love business, I love raising my boys and my puppy, I love being creative, I love writing these blogs. Both are so necessary in my life. I guess I hadn't realised how my creativity had been the thing that had slipped away in the busyness of life. I hadn't realised what an important part of my happiness that creativity and creating things and spending time doing something creative.
There is room for both in my life.
If only I make the space and time for both.
Granted I cant add more hours in the day but I can make things a priority. When I have looked at my break up of time each day between things I have to do, things I want to do and things I would love to do, I can see that my mornings before the boys wake up is the best time to do all the things that I love. A new morning ritual that includes a scale of consciousness clear, a chakra clear, a meditation, journalling or some other form of writing. Giving myself an extra half an hour doesn't seem like much, but in reality it is all I need everyday to make some space for the things I love. I already do the clears and a quick meditation and a super quick paragraph of insights after meditation but it felt a little like I was ticking boxes and not really feeling into that space and time. I know by getting up earlier and making more time for these practices that I love, I will be so much better showing up to the things I have to do and the need to do in that day, whatever that may be.
It may mean I need to go to bed a little earlier and be a bit more organised but I think that's a good price to pay for more time doing what I love.
Leading up to Level 2 there was a few things bubbling for me. I had some really conflicting beliefs, I had to say no to someone I love quite strongly, I had to really lean into my values and morals and what I would no longer be OK with accepting.
Change is never easy. It is never comfortable. It is sometimes not nice.
But what is worse is staying the same, living out of alignment because you don't upset anyone else other than yourself.
I know that this journey is going to lead me somewhere wonderful and already I can feel it emerging. I can see what is leaving, I can see the room it is making, I can innately feel the authenticity rising stronger and stronger the more I clear, the more I learn, the more I expand and the more I grow.
It really is leading me to the life of my dreams.
Doing the work is so worth it. I love sharing this journey with you and I hope you have found something that resonates with you in my words. I will report back on Level 3 ~ Solar Plexus next week. Three more big emotions being Pride, Anger and Desire to be cleared and cleaned.
I am beyond excited to step into my personal power and see what lies on the other side! I know it will be all kinds of magic.
Sending all my Love,
Shari x