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The Spiral ~ Level 5 ~ Throat Chakra...

Level 2 of the Spiral is all things Throat Chakra. It is our Expression!

The Throat Chakra relates to our throat, its our communication, where we sing, express our dreams, self expression, our voice, the voice of our hearts.

I am OK with expressing myself unapologetically!

On this level, we root clear three emotions ~ Anxiety, Confidence and Low Self Esteem.

Anxiety ~ Uncertainty of whether we can handle a future situation.

Confidence ~ A sense of being 'good enough' that allows us to act.

Low Self Esteem ~ Feeling caused by holding on to a negative self image.

Can you imagine how you would express yourself in life without feeling these three emotions running on auto pilot? Imagine if you could clear these ad rewrite how you express yourself? Well that's exactly what I did! After a big few days of my Art of Transformational Coaching course, I really felt this one rise. It was huge. I was so emotional and was in the messy middle of this transformation. I cried, I journaled and I really felt it all. Then I realised that it was all to do with Level 5 and as I worked through this level, there was a wonderful sense of peace that washed over me. All that had built up, was so ready to leave. All those experiences, feelings, emotions were freely rising to leave and make room for the new. I instantly felt so much better and as I write this now, I know that the way I express myself from this day forward will be different, better somehow for this experience.

Next week we have three more big emotions being Truth, Trust and Receptivity to be cleared and cleaned. I really love how the Spiral journey is one that builds on the Chakra system but also layering emotions clearing one and leading into another one. It really is like a beautiful dance, just as one finishes the next one starts.

I hope this week bring all kinds of wonder and magic to your life, thanks for reading and sharing this transformational journey with me.

Sending all my Love,

Shari x

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