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Unkinking the Hose...

In the last couple of weeks I have journaled a lot about feeling like there is a kink in my hose so to speak. That feeling of something being in the way of blocking what it is that is meant to me coming through.

Kinking the hose. Blocking the flow. Something not yet in alignment the way its meant to be to allow it to flow so easily, so gracefully and so beautifully into physical form.

What I wanted to share about this with you today is that while this has been on my heart and on my mind, in my morning meditations and a clear awareness about something "blocking" or "kinking my hose" something really interesting has occurred.

I am noticing that my cords have loops in them. My hoses also have this loop where I have needed to untangle them. My fire pit was full of water so I had to drain the excess water but yes you guessed it - unblocking the drainage hole, and as I did I watched it drain away and as it did I saw the spiral of the water as it disappeared. It was then that the awareness dropped in for me. You see I really notice when I see the spiral symbol. When I first chose to go through the Spiral journey, it almost immediately appeared to me. A friend gave me a painting with the spiral on it. Another friend gave me a book with it on the front cover. I found shells, an abundance of the same type that has the spiral symbol on it. It really was confirmation that I needed to say yes to this journey and I am so incredibly glad I have.

But there was also another big awareness for me. Last night I had to wash my sons school shirts. I had done a few loads of washing that day and all was OK. However, at 10pm, my laundry was flooded for the third time and by flooded I mean out the door and into the hallway. I mean so many towels, rugs and whatever I could grab were now all soaked, in the middle of winter and in the middle of pouring rain. My brand new washing machine has a block somewhere and I cleared it once and thought it would be OK. I cleared it twice, this time taking a few items out of the machine to make sure it wasn't unbalanced and was certain that it would be OK and put the next cycle on. It still wasn't OK. It still didn't drain so again I flooded my laundry I cleared it three times however this time I took all the items remaining and saw that there was still so much water in the tub. As I released the drain, I watched as the laundry flooded. In that moment, I surrendered. I hand wrung my sons school shirts and put them by the fire, said a little prayer that they would indeed dry over night. I vowed I would sort the washing machine out tomorrow. And I did. I called the experts and they are coming very soon to fix my washing machine.

Isn't it funny how life shows us sometimes that we are blocking something in our lives through so many different levels of awareness.

In my own life I am so grateful that I am able to see the blocks, I acknowledge the blocks and to uplevel and upgrade my vibration and skills set to be able to easily and gracefully let the hose flow and clear whatever was kinking it. The people I have around me helping me to learn and grow, expand and evolve are incredible and I know for sure that once I have removed the block, it will not only flow so easily but it will be like a waterfall in winter rather than a trickle in summer.

Here's to the flow of abundance, of life, of all the things that our hearts desires. For me and for you too xx

Love Shari x

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